Today I'm Thinking | About Sharing a Poem


Today I’m Thinking | Blog Post #8

Today I’m sharing my hopes - for all of us. I love you.

Stop What Hurts. Start What Heals.

Pause for a moment, dear one,

Just for a moment.

Please stop.

Stop berating yourself,

doubting yourself.

Please stop saying,

not good enough,

valuable enough,

beautiful enough.

Please stop going,

until you have nothing left inside.

Please stop giving up,

on your joy,

your hopes,

your trust in the world.

Please stop the self criticisms,




Please stop under-sleeping,

and over-medicating.

Please stop waiting,

for someone else to give you the love,

you so deeply deserve.

Please stop,

just long enough

that you can START.

Just for a moment,

start loving yourself,

encouraging yourself.

Please start saying yes,

to your dreams,

your hopes,

your heart.

Start valuing your intuitions,

your feelings.

Heed their guidance.

Start nourishing this incredible life,

that exists within you,

and all around you.

Remembering your magic,

honors your spirit.

Start softening the rough edges,

of your pain and fear.

Wipe clean your buried spirit,

of creativity,


delight and joy.

Please start inhabiting this wonderful life,

you so deeply deserve.

Stop what hurts.

Start what heals.

Replace your fears,

with your love.

Right now,

this moment,

Life is on the horizon,

ready to greet you.

Erica Vucich7 Comments